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Agency Moldsilva is the central public administration body on state policy in forestry and hunting in the country. The general task of the Agency is to implement the constitutional prerogatives and international ratified obligations of the Republic of Moldova on development, promotion and implementation of its policy in forestry and hunting, directed on the international trends of socio-economic sustainable development, rural development, rural employment, sustainable forestry, development, guarding, forests and wildlife protection, maintenance and conservation of biodiversity, professional training, access to environmental benefits and forestry research and education.

Agency Moldsilva is subordinated directly to the Government of the Republic of Moldova and performs its activity according to Governmental decision Nr.150 from 02.03.2010 - the “Regulations on organization and functioning of Agency Moldsilva, the structure and personnel-limit of its headquarter”,PDF available in Romanian.





2001 Chişinău, b-d. Ştefan cel Mare 124
Phone:+373 (22) 27-23-06, 27-73-49
Fax: +373 (22) 27-73-45
Updated: 17.01.2025
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