<![CDATA[Agency Moldsilva - central administrative authority in forestry]]> https://moldsilva.gov.md/ 12.09.2024 en https://moldsilva.gov.md/ Copyright (c) 2024 https://moldsilva.gov.md/National Program Advisory Committee (NPAC) for the ENPI FLEG (phase 2) launches its activity in Moldova <![CDATA[National Program Advisory Committee (NPAC) for the ENPI FLEG (phase 2) launches its activity in Moldova // News]]> https://moldsilva.gov.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=142&id=526&t=/Communication/News/National-Program-Advisory-Committee-NPAC-for-the-ENPI-FLEG-phase-2-launches-its-activity-in-Moldova/ The EU-funded program “European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument East Countries Forest Law Enforcement and Governance II Program” is being implemented by the World Bank, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) for the period of 2013-2016.]]> 25.06.2013 14:17